Preventing underage sales of age-restricted products can be a lot easier by leaning on The We Card Program.
We Card’s Renewal Kit is chock full of tools to help retailers ensure that they are doing everything they can do to prevent underage sales which can lead to stiff fines and penalties.
Annually refreshing your We Card materials provides updated in-store signage, age calculation tools, and training materials to ensure your store and employees are equipped to handle a variety of sometimes challenging situations at the point-of-sale.
Posting signs and other display items further demonstrates your store’s commitment to preventing underage sales to your community.
Here’s what is included in the 2023 kit.
How to Use Your Renewal Kit
We Card offers a simple instruction sheet on how to use each item found in a renewal kit and provides information on We Card’s eLearning Center where retailers can find details on constantly updated training programs.
We Card 2023 Calendar
This 12-month page-a-day calendar shows the most recent date a customer’s valid ID can show in order to legally buy age-restricted products. Born After This Date? No Age-Restricted Products. Peeling the daily page to the current date reminds cashiers what date to look for on customer IDs.
Window/Door Decals & Age of Purchase Stickers
Window/Door decals alert customers to “Please Have ID Ready” for vapor and tobacco purchases. Affix these to your front door or window so customers know what to expect at check-out and to discourage underage customers from attempting to buy restricted products. The smaller age of purchase stickers are perfect around the register and prominently display the most recent year (and years after) those underage cannot buy age restricted products.
Employee Guides
The Employee Guide -- an often well-worn item -- is chock full of details on FDA requirements, how to ask for and handle IDs, details We Card’s A-E-R-O carding method, handling peer pressure, includes a knowledge quiz and an Employee Acknowledgement of company policy. More importantly, the guide has a summary of your state (and federal) law in summary language that’s easy to follow.
Laminated tipsheets cover some key challenges such as how to refuse a sale, how to spot a fake ID, and situations where an adult might be purchasing for a minor or if a minor attempt to purchase for an adult
In fact, there’s so much in a renewal kit – which We Card has carefully assembled after 27 years helping retailers prevent underage sales -- that we can’t mention it all here. It’s no wonder the Renewal Kit sells out quickly.
Be sure to order your materials for 2023 today and find more resources, including Spanish decals, in the We Card store at store.wecard.org.