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We Card's Federal Law and FDA Regulations Summary

a condensed set of descriptive bullets outlining what's required of retailers.

We Card's Analysis of FDA Enforcement Activity

An analysis of publicly available FDA enforcement data providing a year-by-year overview since FFY 2011 and a state-by-state report for the current FFY.

Take We Card Online Training

Award-winning employee training that’s highly interactive, with gaming, role-playing and customer-cashier scenarios. Designed to provide practice from a behind-the-counter perspective. Includes FDA content and state law specifics. End of training test and opportunity to earn a Certificate of Completion. Manager and Refresher Training Courses also available.

We Card's Template for a Company Tobacco & Vaping Product Sales Policy

A recommended template to create a written company policy. Customize this template and get your employees to read & sign the Acknowledgement. Keep the signed Acknowledgement in their employee file.

We Card's Overview of FDA Retailer Regulations

An overview of FDA's requirements of retailers summarizing FDA's regulated products and the steps retailers must take to prevent illegal sales to minors (such as asking for ID of under 27 year old customers, deny sales to minors) -- includes newly "deemed" tobacco products such as cigars, e-cigarettes, vaping products, hookah and pipe tobacco -- effective regulations as of Aug. 8, 2016.

FDA-required Sign at POS

 If you sell cigars individually without packaging.  Alert:  Court overturned this requirment, but it is expected to be revisited and ongoing. Be prepared, Download We Card’s sign as a PDF.

Training Posters